Your Brain and Exercise Could There Be a psychic Link

Can exercise, I mean intensive body building or working with weights actually activate psychic ability. I am giving this some thought after discovering these ideas about your brain and exercise.

It seems exercise is as good for your brain as it is for your body, and researchers are just beginning to discover why. Your brain becomes much more active during exercise, Is the brain the intermediary between psychic ability and our connection from the higher self to the communication of this message. What is a psychic experience? Well we know some people are better at this then others but, could we enhance this ability with intensive exercise. It appears that One way neurons communicate is with electrical pulses, and sometimes entire networks of neurons fire in unison. Now are these networks of neurons the very same that get activated in a psychic experience and can we use exercise as a passageway to our unconscious and super conscious aka the higher self.
These synchronized pulses are known colloquially as brain waves. Different kinds of brain waves, characterized by the number of times they oscillate in a single second, are linked to one’s mental state and mood. Lower-frequency waves occur when we’re running on autopilot: brushing our teeth, driving, or sleeping, for example. Higher-frequency waves, known as beta waves, occur when we’re awake and mentally engaged and are associated with attention, memory, and information processing.

After exercise, one’s senses are heightened and thus can detect the flashing at a higher frequency than before exercise. “people see more clearly and immediately after exercise,” “They can make finer visual their perceptions are sharper.” Beyond that, research shows that aging exercisers have increased gray-matter volume in regions associated with general intelligence and executive function,

Could Exercise Be The Magical Key To increased Psychic Abilities?

It is possible that by increasing the ability of our brain makes us better able to observe intricate details and process what we see that is akin to a form of psychic awareness. Does a stronger more receptive brain mean a mystic or a higher quality of experience in the every day environment?

I believe the brain is the intermediary between the above and the below so anything to enhance that ability could put us closer to higher level beings who may have a much higher intelligence.

My thoughts, keep exercising— and just watch and see. I have my greatest intuitive experiences after a goos intensive workout. I get answers ti many questions just pop into my thoughts as if I have been in a deep connective meditation where I have connected to source.




